
Effective Spring Detox

With the Whole Foods Detox Method and healthy daily activities you will achieve:
o Much more energy
o No more usual unhealthy cravings
o A few pounds lost [10 o Less bloating
o Excess belly fat
o A clearer head
o Much better mood
o A radiant glow
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Start cleansing your body

Let\’s talk about how to successfully detoxify and care for your body in six Let me explain in six steps. Eating whole foods meanseating clean foods.
o It means avoiding canned, boxed, and processed foods.
o Continuing to eat organic fruits and vegetables frequently to cleanse us.
focuses on eating spring green foods
o Dandelion greens
o Spinach
o Parsley
o Asparagus
o Peas
o Fennel
o Mustard greens
o Curly kale
o Chard
o Kale
Vegetable leaves have chlorophyll, which nourishes the blood and helps balance our bodies.
Eliminate everything from your diet:
o Sugar
o Dairy
o Alcohol
o Caffeine
o Wheat as gluten
o Eggs
o Animal protein
o corn
o soybeans
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Physical activity and cleansing the body requires not only eating the right foods, but also choosing the right exercise. [These physical activities include:
o Light yoga
o Nature walks
o Stretching
o Gymnastics
During physical cleansing, our bodies work hard to break down toxins, so rest is necessary during detox.
Meditation and proper breathing… Try to sit for at least 10 minutes each day and focus only on your breathing. Stress is the most common cause of inflammation, so it is very important to stop for a while and calm your mind.