Rhodiola is a grateful plant
For minimal care, you will be pleasantly surprised how this clean plant will repay you with trouble-free growth. You can choose from dozens of species, height and color of these plants. Those who build rock gardens will appreciate the choice of these rock gardens. Some are creeping, and the height is only a few centimeters. Other species are very tall and resemble shrubs. In any case, the vast majority of prunes are hardy perennials.

They have no big claim to the land. Vitriolous species grow well on dry, gravel or sandy soils. You can put them in containers or valleys. Thanks to their fleshy leaves, they are able to hold a sufficient amount of water necessary for their successful growth. Therefore, if you go on vacation, you do not need to worry that the plants will wither. Some, on the contrary, can grow a fairly large area in a short time. These species belong to the ground cover plants. They bloom mainly in late summer or early autumn, when other plants are already blooming slowly. You may know that the horseradish is sometimes called cabbage or cabbage patch. The leaves may look like cabbage.

They do not tolerate waterlogged soil and definitely prefer to be placed in the sun.
Manygusa belongs to succulents, and in nature there are more than 400 species. The plant blooms mainly pink or bright yellow. Flowers are attractive to butterflies and bees. There are not only flowers, but also different colors. The color of the leaves is also interesting. You can find leaves that are golden, purple, light and dark green or gray-green in color.
They are suitable for greening the roof. It does not require a lot of clay and is able to adapt very quickly to the given conditions.
If you choose prickly grass for your garden, note that it is a little poisonous.